prayers & a poem for May 3rd

At the very bottom…. A poem for meditation and prayer by Gerard Kelly- “The Blessing”

Intercessions for Fourth Sunday of Easter 4 Year A – 3rd may 2020 (based on resource in

Lord, you are our Shepherd and we pray that you will protect us from all danger, especially in this time of Lockdown, by keeping watch over us, guide us towards green pastures where we can be nourished by your word and lead us to pure still waters where  we can be refreshed by your love.

Lord, you are our Shepherd and we pray for our church leaders that they too may care for and lead us by following the example of love and service you demonstrated in your earthly ministry.  We especially pray today for all of our clergy and ministry teams who through the telephone, the Internet and Social Media are working hard to keep us in touch and provide for the needs of their communities.

Lord, you are our Shepherd and we pray for the world that was given to us as an inheritance, on the understanding that we would care for it as shepherds care for their flocks.  Teach us to look after our beautiful planet and care for it wisely, whilst sharing its gifts more fairly and working together with all of its inhabitants to ease its sufferings. Grant wisdom to the world’s leaders and enable them to work positively for their peoples.

Lord, you are our Shepherd and we pray for our families and friends who need to hear the voice of Jesus the Good Shepherd; who knows every one of them by name; who offers rest to the weary, water to the thirsty, bread to the hungry and light to those who live in darkness.

Lord, you are our Shepherd who seeks out the lost and the sick.  We pray for those we know who are lost in illness in body, mind or spirit and ask you to reassure them with the knowledge that you are watching over them in their suffering and that many are praying for their recovery..

Lord, you are our Shepherd so we pray for those who have died and for those who ache with sorrow in their loss of a loved one.  May those we now name before you find rest in the Spirit’s embrace as you welcome them into the great sheepfold, safe in your keeping for ever

Lord, you are our Shepherd, and we offer our prayers now for all people and their situations. For lives that are going through upheaval or distress caused by the pandemic and in circumstances which only you can change.

Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

If anyone would like a longer conversation (not in a group) send me a message and I will send you an Invitation to a meeting on Zoom to suit,

Some great FREE resources for prayer this week….

 Welcome to ROOTS at home – (FREE RESOURCES) This week’s resources for everyone linked to Luke 24.13-35

 Church of England – Prayers in a time of pandemic

The Liturgy Committee have created the following intercessions for use during the pandemic:

Download PDF Version
Download Word Version

The Blessing – Gerard Kelly


May you who are restless find rest,

and in rest, restoration

and the healing of your hollow soul.

May peace be yours.

May you who are frozen find freedom,

and in freedom,

the strength to face the fire and the thawing

of your ice-gripped heart.

May peace be yours.

May you who are conflicted

find convergence,

and in convergence, confidence

to be the one new child

of your old divided self

May peace be yours.

May you who live in tension find tenderness,

and in tenderness, the tendency to kindness

and the miracle of majoring in mercy.

May peace be yours.

And you who are God-less,

may you find God,

and in God,

the grace and growth you need for

fruit and fullness and the love

that will last you through the long haul

of a lived-for-others life.

May peace be yours.

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