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Deputy Warden to Readers: Canon Paul Arthur (who is acting as warden while we have a vacancy in See)

Warden to Readers: Bishop Hugh
Director of Reader Training:
Administrator for Readers: Mel Pomeroy
Events Organiser: Claire Saltzman
Minuting Secretary: Margaret Sylvester-Thorne
Diocese of Truro Reader’s Support Network
contact addresses and phone numbers can be found on the directory live section of the diocesan website:
The Faraday Institute has a range of events this term which may be of interest to lay readers in the Diocese of Truro.
For church leaders (including those in training), our course ‘Artificial Intelligence, Genuine Care’ continues to explore how Christians can engage with technology in a godly way. See https://www.faraday.cam.ac.uk/event/artificial-intelligence-genuine-care/
Some Readers may want to dig deeper at our summer course – this year we’ll be looking at ‘The Art and Science of Human Health and Spirituality’. What does it mean to be human in an age of technology? Are we slaves to our genes? How does artificial intelligence affect healthcare? Can art help with healing? Explore these questions and many others 1st – 5th July; see https://faraday.institute/summercourse2024 to explore further.
Our Research Seminar series will restart on 30th January, with a range of topics to intrigue and consider:
30th January Dr Jon Thompson [Cambridge House, Virginia, USA] ‘Personal Identity and Resurrection: Early Modern Philosophical Perspectives’ – ONLINE ONLY
13th February Prof. Martin Barlow [University of British Columbia, Canada] ‘Kepler, Galileo and Aliens’ – hybrid
27th February Dr Pete Jordan [University of Oxford] ‘Rescuing Religion from Obsolescence? John Templeton on Science and Religion’ – hybrid
12th March Dr Nathan Bossoh [University of Southampton] ‘Science, Religion and the Material Turn: Exploring New Global Potentials through Colonial Museum African collections’ – hybrid
All these will be held at 1pm in Westminster College, Madingley Road, Cambridge (except the first) as well as bring broadcast online via Zoom. All are welcome Register at faraday.institute/seminars
Lay Readers may also want to explore our online resources:
Faraday Churches Quarterly e-news: NEW focussed news for churches and church leaders, including events, training, resource recommendations and ways of keeping in touch. Sign up here
Resources on Artificial Intelligence: This new online hub brings together Faraday resources on AI, including videos, articles and small group material Read more
Think, Live, Speak: Science and Christianity group study guide: Are you looking for an introductory level series of sessions on science and Christianity for your small group? This material was produced by the Faraday Institute Church Engagement programme in partnership with UCCF..… Read more
Dr Zoe Binns
Events Manager
The Faraday Institute
Woolf Building
Madingley Road
CB3 0UB, UK.