Celtic Spirituality and Spiritual Direction
The Highspot of recent weeks was the Spiritual Direction Training Day focussing on Celtic Spirituality with Canon Pat Robson.
The St Crida website is well worth browsing https://stcrida.co.uk/ with details of quite days and pilgrimage activities.
I bought a copy of one of Pat’s books which is still avaialble on Amazon and worth a read! https://www.amazon.co.uk/Celtic-Heart-Anthology-Prayers-Tradition/dp/0281061912
Pat’s talks were both fascinating and compelling though by the end of the day most of us were looking at St Mawgan in a new light – he who to the Roman name Pelagian and had a heresy named after him. We were pretty sympathetic!
Here’s a link to some of the letters of Pelagius to give you a taste. http://www.seanmultimedia.com/Pie_Pelagius_Letters.html
The Wiki article is quite informative: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pelagius