Dear all
this is the last blog tis side of Christmas- next week I shall be deep in ZOOMland particularly on Christmas Eve with the ZOOM service with the children which is even more daunting on ZOOM than it is in Church in normal days when the place is heaving with people. So on Zoom I am hoping :
- we will get some people there
- There will be a few soloists or family singers
- that I can arrange the quiz / story activity in a way that works!
- that we don’t get uninvited visitors with disruptive intentions…
- and…… that somehow we will provide something for the Holy spirit to touch the lives of those who attend.
Prayers please!
Following that at 8pm and at 11:30 I am button pushing for the two live ZOOM services from church…. although I will be at home.
Christmas Day…… hopefully meeting the grandchildren on the beach….. even if it’s raining and I am taking a break from ZOOM!

Have a wonderful Christmas!
I am grateful to the people who occasionally pas comment on the emails and blog content. I do wonder sometimes if anybody is reading it, whether it is helpful or whether it is just a nuisance.
So when someone contacts me about something else and say.. oh by the way I did like the bit you wrote about x….. it is always encouraging.
This Christmas there are some Readers having a really tough time with health, or as a carer or because they are alone. Please do keep them in your prayers too.
With every blessing