Kathy Lang’s Discussion Starters for Monday Morning Reader’s Meeting.

20727JSP (link to the PDF file and better links) 

Solomon’s Portico 27th July 2020  – 

Last Monday, in Jim’s Monday morning group Solomon’s Portico, we
began to discuss two topics of great importance: 

Future directions after the waning of “Corona-tide”
(Thank you, Rev’d Laura Bushell Hawke, for a term that gives an ecclesiastical flavour and implies “onward and hopefully upward”, since though we are Easter people, we celebrate Eastertide explicitly only until Pentecost!)
For the meat to chew on as we talk, see Bishop Philip’s recent article in the Church Times: and the report to which he refers, A Fair and Just Future…


The Five Guiding Principles
Thoughts on consecration, ordination, celebration of Holy Communion, prompted by the recent consecrations of four Bishops including Hugh Nelson, Bishop of St Germans, and two women.

For background to this:
Kathy Lang’s FB post: I watched the consecration of Bishops Hugh and Ruth with great joy this morning, but was still puzzled as to why two consecrations were needed. As a contemporary and friend of some of the earliest female ordinands, I should have remembered… but I thought it might help to clarify some of the stories going around, and to minimise the wider damage, if I posted this link from another friend who is a priest in the Chichester Diocese, with Archbishop Justin’s statement. Some will say these divisions are better hidden: but how can
they ever be healed if we don’t talk about them?

For the meat to chew on as we talk, see:


The Five Guiding Principles formulated to allow women to be
consecrated Bishop: link to PDF in article above.
Comment in the Church Times that I found helpful
Published June 2019:


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