Life seems to be gathering in pace rather like Barney’s rubber ball rolling down the beach towards the sea…. as I am inextricably drawn to gallop after it as best as my ancient hips will allow. I find myseld unexpectedly preaching on Sunday at Treleigh in their somewhat delapidated hall (the church is being re-decorated) which will be a joy. Then there is a short worship to prepare for next Saturday for thr start of the Readers in Training selection / discernment day Please pray for all those putting themeselves forward for Reader Training that they might show the best of themselves and that the Holy Spirit will guide us and lead us to wise choices.
Next Sunday I have my first Methodist service for well over a year at the wonderful Centenary Methodist Church in Camborne which some of you will know is the centre of much foodbank work and where Don Gardener, who has been such a prominent figure in fighting poverty in Cornwall, worships. Faith and mustard seeds seem good starting points there!
Alongside that in Redruth we are beginning our series of Living in Love and Faith Groups – mine is on Wednesday evening on ZOOM and really should be very interesting. If you have not logged on the the Living in Love and Faith website and seen any of the fantastic resources and well prepared video stories I would urge you to do so. Living in Love and Faith | The Church of England Just click this link!
It is amazing how things present themselves as a focus for instant prayer especially when I am out with Mr. Dog. This morning we found a string of blooms scattered along the tide line presumably washed up from a short time at sea. I wondered why they had been in the sea and considered a dropped bouquet, or scattered flowers at a scattering of ashes or thrown into the waves by someone who has had their offer of undying love rejected along with their flowers.
Whatever the story of these flowers and that long stemmed red rose my prayers were for all those anonymous people and all those stories being written in real life as I write.

Reader / Licenced Lay Ministry Administration
You shuld all have received a letter from Bishop Hugh about this and also requesting you to consider putting yourself forward to help with safeguarding training. If you missed the letter you can find it here… The Warden’s Page – Chaplain to Readers in the Diocese of Truro (
I joined in the ZOOM C2 training that is running currently and was really impressed by the quality of discussion and questioning and how attitudes to safeguarding have changed positively since I began to be involved as a trainer. It is a role I am delighted, and indeed privileged to be doing once more.
Do consider it if you have teaching and leading skills…. it is SO important.