Kathy calls herself the ‘odd one out’ because she trained as a Methodist local preacher but has permission from the Bishop to preach in St Martins in Liskeard. Actually the is one of a merry band of us who happily straddle the divide of the Methodist and Anglican churches though my step began from the Anglican church….
The blog is sent out to all readers with email apart from the few who have said they don’t want emails from me and to a group of others who have an interest in seeing what Readers in the Diocese are up to. There are also some Methodist Local Preachers who I have met in my travels!
In the next column Kathy kindly wrote in response to one of the Zoom Coffee & Conversation Monday mornings.

Kathy puts into words what many are feeling with helpful links to get the little grey cells moving….. she included this poem from Jane Horton whose name appears elsewhere in today’s postings

I joined this group at a tough time, and it has helped me a great deal.
Refs I talked about:
1) What you are feeling is grief: https://hbr.org/2020/03/that-discomfort-youre-feeling-is-grief?fbclid=IwAR0GXmlSAduU-y3w-zFy7sC5c2kYrRhJ44OBRG3eENwgdUw7MQnosjfZyfQ
David Kessler’s book “Finding Meaning: the sixth stage of grief” is on Amazon. “Double whammy” – see text file attached, along with another, my latest, and I think probably last, poem on Grief. Not for the faint-hearted…
2) My all-time favourite book about courage: “Warrior Scarlet” by Rosemary Sutcliffe. Written as a novel for early-teenagers, but a book I re-read every year.
3) Jane Jedwab, Truro D FB Sharing best practice: Someone needed advice I sent this. (brokncup pic attached) If something breaks fix it .We will come through this by being renewed in our belief of being resurrected. Keep Life simple.
4) Sunday alte’s: I’ve been finding Radio 4’s 8.10am service helpful, esp Sun 10th when Rowan Williams preached about VE Day. On iPlayer. And I love Bishop Philip and Ruth’s informal service Live at 9.30: esp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKRtVsTcE5M broadcast Sunday 3rd May (first 5 mins is informal chat and welcomes..)
5) Jane Horton’s wonderful prayer is at the top of this piece
6) Charlie Mackesy The boy, the fox, the mole and the horse is the most inspiring book I’ve read/seen in a long time. I’ve given about ten copies away to people who are struggling, and all say how great it is. Quite a strong Christian message, though not always obvious. Highly recommended! One pic attached: CMcarryon.jpg FB Group has lots more: Keepers from Charlie Mackesy. Best of all, buy the book!
See you next Monday. Blessings, Kathy