As I am always advising other folk to look after themselves and to take a break occasionally, next week I am taking a break from all church activities and ZOOMing. (With the exception of a school governors ZZOM on Wednesday!) The Monday Coffee and Conversation in Solomon’s Porch will continue as usual hosted by able volunteers who would love some company and good discussion- but I will be walking elsewhere 🙂
I shall be praying on clifftops, across beaches and along tracks!
I love the Gospel tale this week- it reminds me so much of my year six classroom…. “Its not Fair!”….

Colin by Allan Ahlberg
When you frown at me like that. Colin,
and wave your arm in the air,
I know just what you’re going to say:
‘Please , Sir, it isn’t fair!’
It isn’t fair
on the football field
if their team scores a goal.
It isn’t fair in a cricket match
unless you bat and bowl.
When you scowl at me that way, Colin,
and mutter and slam your chair,
I always know what’s coming next:
‘Please, Sir, it isn’t fair!’
It isn’t fair
when I give you a job.
It isn’t fair when I don’t.
If I keep you in
it isn’t fair.
If you’re told to go out, you won’t.
When heads bow low in assembly
and the whole school’s saying a prayer,
I can guess what’s on your mind, Colin:
‘Our Father… it isn’t fair!’
It wasn’t fair
in the infants.
It isn’t fair now.
It won’t be fair at the comprehensive
(for first years, anyhow).
When your life reaches its end, Colin,
Though I doubt if I’ll be there,
I can picture the words on the gravestone now.
They’ll say: IT IS NOT FAIR..
Th Workers in the Vineyard
Just like Colin in the poem….
Now when the first came, they thought they would receive more; but each of them also received the usual daily wage. And when they received it, they grumbled against the landowner, saying, ‘These last worked only one hour, and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the day and the scorching heat.’ But he replied to one of them, ‘Friend, I am doing you no wrong; did you not agree with me for the usual daily wage? Take what belongs to you and go;
So it struck me that as ministering folk some of us can be a bit like that with our ministry…… just mull over some thoughts about how you feel about your vocation, your role and your skill, and then ask yourself, “How am I encouraging and developing the skills, vocations and capacity of others?” They might not be able to do things as well as you yet but don’t we have a responsibility as Readers to foster the talents in others without thinking “it’s not fair!” because we feel we are not being used? Perhaps someone would like to reply and we will post it next week.
Please pray this week for all those fabulous folk who are being ordained or licensed in the the coming weeks as they prepare for their various ministries.
A Rather Curious St Andrews View in a Zoomed Service.