Thank you
Chatting to my Spiritual director the other week, I was asked what I was going to do for Lent – which is always an interesting question!
I don’t give things up for lent, apart from attempting to give up moaning, but then I am always attempting to give u that and inevitably failing. I try to take something on; this year it is being more positive and therefore less negative and to say thank you and give praise rather more. I have also got a couple of books to read but currently the reading is a bit laboured to say the least… I won’t say which as me nodding off the fastest.
I began the positive thanks on Twitter giving praise and thanking Will, the guy who is usually out in all weathers in Tesco Car Park in Redruth making sure we get our click and collect shopping. His concern for ‘his’ customers is marked and he commented yesterday that he worries when his regulars miss their usual slots. He’s an example of ‘salt if the earth!’ and definitely deserves recognition for his invariably cheery greeting, care for customers and his empathy for those who find it hard to bend down to pick up their shopping. Thanks too to the lass in Morrish’s fish and Chip Shop whose job it is to ferry the orders from the kitchen to the waiting customers in the car park We go every other week at the moment and whatever the weather she makes it sounds as if she is smiling and cheery behind her mask. I left a note on the Facebook page.
So when I got notification that I was to get the Cross of St Piran award, I was not really sure how to react or what to feel though it is always nice to get some feedback that you are doing something that actually helps people and that you are not getting in the way.
I was not quite prepared for the flood of congratulatory encouraging emails and messages but I a grateful and indeed thankful that I can make a positive difference. It still seems weird getting an award for something that I like doing as well as being called to do a lot of it.
So to all the folks who have written – thank you and a special thank you to Caspar, our rector who is quick to encourage and who shows such support for lay ministry. It is a curious thought that if people were not there to need what I can provide then I would not be getting the cross of St Piran…. So maybe it is really for all of us in these strange pandemic times.
News – Truro Diocese : Truro Diocese Click the link to find out about the other 18 recipients this year….. I suspect all 19 really represent teams and communities all of whom are working to capacity to help other.
Now how do I go abut getting an award given to those folk who just make a positive and joyous difference to others by being themselves every day – whether they think it or not, whether they are ‘Christian’ or not the light of Christ works through them and it is to be treasured.

Because of the St Piran award I had the delight yesterday of an hour of talking about my favourite subject, me, to Jac Smith who writes for the communications team in the Diocese when she is not fund raiser in chief at all saints Highertown .
I had not realised that Jac was the author of the prayers in Covid Time on the Diocesan website and it did make me revisit it. Prayers for use during this period Archives – Truro Diocese : Truro Diocese
There is some great material there and I shall definitely be using some in my Morning prayer ZOOM on Monday.
There is a good deal of useful and fascinating stuff on the diocesan website….. but one has to set aside an hour to try all the doors on the front page to see which mazes you are invited into – I shall spend some time exploring a post a few highlights in coming weeks.
Now I think I would like to interview Jac and some of the folks who work behind the scenes for the Diocese and ask the about their own journeys…..
The Morning Prayer Congregation is a little different each day - the link is on the email why not join us at 9 each day for lent?

AstraZeneca / Pfizer adventures: the latest
Last week I had an appointment for my AstraZeneca vaccination on Wednesday to following instructions I emailed the antibody research team and awaited the go-ahead. Nothing came in the email so I dutifully set off to the Health Clinic in Redruth but was sent away again…. I had to be unblinded!
Later in the day I was phoned to say that having been unblinded they could reveal that I had been given the placebo so I could go for my vaccination the following day which was Pfizer rather than AstraZeneca but was I going to stay on the trial?
Of course I was – I have been teaching kids for years in science about the importance of control tests ad I had become a control subject. No other side effects other than being a bit more wheezy thn usual and some muscular-skeletal irritations I have seemed emphasised for a few day which I thought was a small price to pay. I’m looking forward to getting my second sometime! I am looking forward to those hugs that have been missing for so long.